How the Internet Replaces Libraries
A Kind Reader sent me this blog post from the Huffington Post entitled “What’s a Library?” Like Pontius Pilate, he didn’t stay for an answer. Normally I find the Huffington Post painful to read, since it seems to be aimed at an audience of the insecure and the mentally challenged. “Is this normal? Sex questions couples are too embarrassed to ask” vies for space with “Sylvia Browne's Failed Amanda Berry Prediction Returns To Haunt Her.” There’s less ranting about the human race around my abode when I don’t encounter headlines like that. Nevertheless, I soldiered on, ever grateful for Kind Readers. I wasn’t disappointed. It was just as stupid as I assume the article about the psychic is. The writer’s bio says he’s a video producer, and maybe he should stick to that instead of writing. The opening is about some library near him is closing, and he doesn’t care. This bit is priceless: Frankly, I will not miss the library.... Even though I lived right ...