Monday 22 July 2013

Is Listening to Audio Books Really the Same as Reading?

Opinions among book lovers differ as to what it means to read “Ulysses” through ear buds on the drive to work. On the book Web site Goodreads, literature buffs both gush (“I love audio books for the times when I have brain power available but can’t hold a book”) and disparage the practice (“I can’t really listen to audio books. I don’t think I retain as much that way, plus I get distracted with other things.”) The ever-efficient readers of the Marginal Revolution blog plugged audio books’ utility as an accompaniment to exercise — but find them less effective for longer, more involved tomes.
So on an intellectual level, is listening to a book really just as good as reading it?

1 comment:

  1. some time, reading is not easy to concentrate, It is another good idea to learn.
